Part Three soundscape adapted from the bio-sonification recordings of Tosca Teran.
SUPER honoured to have been able to work with Lisa and her team towards this amazing installation/work!
Transmissions is a three-part, 6000 square foot multimedia installation by award-winning Anishinaabe filmmaker and artist Lisa Jackson. It extends her investigation into the connections between land, language, and people, most recently with her virtual reality work Biidaaban: First Light.
An Indigenous Futurist Installation
world premiere
September 6 – 28, 2019
Fei & Milton Wong Experimental Theatre
SFU Woodward’s – 149 West Hastings St, Vancouver
Tuesday to Friday 1pm- 7pm; Saturday & Sunday 1pm – 5pm FREE
Produced by Electric Company Theatre in association with Violator Films
In partnership with Simon Fraser University, SFU Woodward’s Cultural Programs, supported by the SFU Aboriginal Strategic Initiative.
Projections, sculpture, and film combine to create urban and natural landscapes that are eerie and beautiful, familiar and foreign, concrete and magical. Past and future collide in a visceral and thought-provoking journey that questions our current moment and opens up the complexity of thought systems embedded in Indigenous languages. Radically different from European languages, they embody sets of relationships to the land, to each other, and to time itself.
Transmissions invites us to untether from our day-to-day world and imagine a possible future. It provides a platform to activate and cross-pollinate knowledge systems, from science to storytelling, ecology to linguistics, art to commerce. To begin conversations, to listen deeply, to engage varied perspectives and expertise, to knit the world together and find our place within the circle of all our relations.
Produced in association with McMaster University Socrates Project, Moving Images Distribution and Cobalt Connects Creativity.
Supported by The Canada Council for the Arts New Chapter 2017 and Beyond, The Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council, SFU Aboriginal Reconciliation Council, SFU Faculty of Communication, Arts and Technology, The Hamber Foundation. Transmissions was one of 200 exceptional projects funded by the Canada Council for the Arts New Chapter 2017 and beyond.
Production Team
Clayton Baraniuk, Artistic Producer
Lori Lozinski, Executive Producer
Mark Eugster, Production Manager and Technical Director
Miles Lavkulich, SFU Production Manager and Technical Director
Rob Neilson, Editor and Visual Effects
Creative Team
Lisa Jackson, Artist
Alan Storey, Creative Director
Kelly Richardson, Part Three Video Artist
Shawn Cole, Sound Design
Anthony Diehl, Projection Creative Technologist
Ian Wojtowicz – Educational Exhibit Designer
Bob Aschmann, Director of Photography
Lindsay George, Director of Photography, Part One: City
Joey Jacobson, Shadow City Development Designer
Emilee Gilpin, Researcher
Ainsleigh Spencer, Fabrication Assistant, Researcher
Tiffany Moses, Assistant to the Sound Designer
Featuring Jeneen Frei Njootli as Digging Woman in the Part 2 film “Unearthed.”
Part Two soundscape adapted from sounds by Laura Ortman and Raven Chacon.
Part Three soundscape adapted from the bio-sonification recordings of Tosca Teran.