
Feb 4, 20192 min

Looking for renewable, sustainable, bio-sculpting materials.

Researching lichen, moss and Mycelium during my residency in Iceland.
Which I intend to continue when I return to Toronto.
Other materials I have been growing are Scobys, which have proven a little tricky here (in Iceland). Perhaps this is due to the ingredients I've used. I've been unable to locate a really strong Kombucha to add to a Scoby base, in order to speed up the process. Over the month of June, I managed to grow a thin Scoby. As it is drying, however, it is proving to be too thin and fragile.

Scoby stretched out to dry

Meanwhile, the Mycelium continues to grow. Up at Nes artist residency I started a Hexagon shape, which is now fruiting!

Saturday evening I recorded the Biodata and uploaded these sounds to Soundcloud:

[soundcloud url="" params="color=#ff5500&auto_play=true&hide_related=true&show_comments=false&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]

It's not the greatest mix-down, but my equipment here is limited.
Something I am anxious to get started on is Bio-filament. Last year (I think it was last year?) I participated in a 3D printer workshop at Interaccess in order to gain access to their printers. Interaccess is a membership based New Media Maker's space in Toronto. They have a lot of tools and equipment available for use and they also offer interesting workshops. Anyways, at the time I inquired with the Tech manager there if DIY filament was allowed as I intend to experiment and explore possibilities with soil, Scoby material and Mycelium! They said YES! So, now is as good a time as any. I've been researching various Extruder kits and fully assembled versions available. This is the one I went with: The Felfil EVO
Many reasons I went with the Evo. For one this baby can travel with me! So, I can play with Algae next time I return to Iceland or a coastal town.
Then something amazing happened. I received an email notification from the Canada Arts Council congratulating me on receiving a grant proposal I had sent in back in February. The Canada Council Arts Abroad program, this funding will assist me moving forward. Iceland is expensive!

Then Kai Parthy founder/experimenter over at Lay Filaments said, "...send me what diameter your 3D printer uses and I will send you a bunch of GrowLay to experiement with, on the house!" WOW!
GrowLay is made for growing Mycelium, moulds, bacteria, plants onto/into 3D printed sculptures!

Now the question is: How large can I print on the UltiMaker? I plan to divide my models into sections in order to create life size renderings and I still intend to work with Ecovative's sculpting nutrient. Which is also waiting for me to return home!

I would like to thank the Canada Arts Council for their generous support towards my research in renewable, bio-sculpting materials.
“Enriching the lives of Canadians by supporting a vital and diverse arts sector”
• We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $153 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country.
• Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien. L’an dernier, le Conseil a investi 153 millions de dollars pour mettre de l’art dans la vie des Canadiennes et des Canadiens de tout le pays.
